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    Who? What? Where? How? Why?

  1. Who is behind domainsforsale.net?
    1. This site was built by internet entrepreneurs for internet entrepreneurs.
  2. What is the main purpose of domainsforsale.net?
    1. The answer is simple. There is so much junk/spam out there. We want to save you the hassle, time and most of all, Money.
  3. Where do I buy or sell a domain on this website?
    1. Remember, we're just a free domain listing service. We only handle the listing and it's up to the buyer and seller to complete any transaction safely and securely. We highly recommend using an escrow service.
  4. How come you don't offer domain auctions?
    1. There are too many unknowns and no one to police it. Domains should have a set price, auctions just add more unknowns, ie:
      1. Sometimes you are bidding against the seller – thanks but no thanks
      2. Registrars do backend deals all the time - keeping premium expired domain names from dropping then covering their tracks.
      3. Registrars and domain marketplaces who profit more from the value of the sale have been accused of bidding up prices
      4. Live auctions – Want to get your name listed in the live auction? Well, it’s a boy’s club, it really is.
      5. Extended online auctions - this is where your listings go if you aren’t in the boys club and you run the risk of losing your domain at your low reserve price.
      6. Domain Brokers - their only interest is their interest! Just ask Trevor at acquirethisname.com.
  5. Why are there no listing fees?
    1. We can add them if you’d like. Since we don’t profit from any listing fees, we can control what gets listed. We only want to list domains and websites that actually have high value for both the buyer and seller.
  6. Account Questions

  7. Do I have to sign-up to buy and sell domains and websites?
    1. Yes, you must sign-up for an account and we will not approve accounts from free email accounts. (ie. Hotmail, Google, Yahoo, etc.)
    2. Note: We are still developing our backend so all listings will have to be entered manually and can be done by contacting us.
  8. I want to buy a domain on this website? How do I do it?
    1. You must submit a “buy request” and we’ll forward it directly to the seller.
  9. I've submitted a "buy request" for a domain. What next?
    1. We send your request directly to the seller’s email address we have on file through the public domain WHOIS database.
  10. I've received a "buy request" for one of domains? What next?
    1. We will attach the buyer’s contact information and any comments so you can communicate directly with the buyer. We strongly suggest using an escrow service for all domain transactions and/or attorney for website sales or purchases.
  11. Escrow

  12. What is an escrow service and why do I need to use it?
    1. With domain names, escrow is normally handled by a 3rd party and guarantees the transaction for both parties. The buyer will receive the domain after seller verifies the payment. After seller receives the funds, it authorizes the escrow company to release the domain to the buyer. Without using an escrow service, the buyer must trust the seller completely or vice versa.
  13. Violations

  14. What is a violation and how do I report one?
    1. We will not tolerate any harassment towards our users or any activity that interferes with providing a safe and disruptive-free marketplace. Please act professional.
    2. To report a violation, click here.
  15. I sent a "buy request" and the seller has asked for more money.
    1. This will not be tolerated in our site and your account will be banned. Please report all violations here.
  16. I received a "buy request" and prospective buyer was not responsive or failed to start negotiations on the name.
    1. Not everyone checks their email everyday, please allow up to two weeks for a response.
    2. We’ve all changed our minds at the last minute before so let’s be reasonable. So enough of the he said, she said, let’s buy and sell some domains.
  17. A domain went to escrow but failed to close. What should I do next?
    1. Contact an attorney. Most agreements are binding legal agreements. If the transaction started on this site, please report it here.
  18. Future

  19. What can I expect in upcoming site releases from DomainsForSale.net?
    1. Our #1 goal is to create a seamless marketplace where domainers can list their premium domains and prospective buyers can contact them to purchase with ease.
    2. We may choose to make the site private or invitation-only to select group of members at any time.
  20. I have some ideas for the site, can I submit them?
    1. We value our user feedback. Please contact us if you’d like to see any additions or changes made on this site.